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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Capture Your Audience Using Incredible Facebook Apps

By Letitia Hudson

If there was ever a perfect place to discover your market and get to know them, it has to be Facebook. If you have done your homework right, then you too can get involved with Facebook applications (apps) and take your social marketing to an entirely new level of play.

Be Different: Since Facebook has thousands of applications, which are growing in number, you'll find that are is a lot of duplication happening. While all of these apps are trying to gain everyone's attention, this isn't really possible without offering something unique. If you create an app that is practically useless, you simply increase the junk on Facebook. Your aim is to get the most out of the Facebook platform by offering some really intense apps that are different from the rest. You don't need to reinvent the wheel, but add your own creative ideas to existing ideas. Use a different format and approach with your app than everyone else so you can attract users to it. So don't worry about being completely original, but work on adapting existing ideas to create something unique.

The App's Copy is Essential: When you create the copy for your app, you have to remember that readers want as much information as possible in a limited space, so don't be too wordy. Your goal should be to tell people exactly what the main advantage of your app is as briefly as possible. Don't waste any words, and simply communicate the essential facts and benefits of your app. Don't hype up your language, but clearly explain how your app is different from the rest of the competition and what kind of benefits it offers. Make sure that your copy brings out the USP of your app, so that your users have no problem understanding what makes you different. When you're satisfied with the quality of your copy, you can submit it to online directories that list apps; here you really want to be sure you're doing it justice. You should get into the habit of using the same, or similar words to describe your app no matter who you're promoting it to.

Be Open to Feedback: Create threads on your app's main page or site devoted to reporting bugs, asking questions or requesting new features. Pay close attention to the responses you get and be prompt about taking care of any problems. If you notice that your users found a few bugs, then take care of them there and then. The more active you are in providing help to users and fixing any bugs, the more people will be glad to spread the word about your app around the net. Do whatever you can to keep users satisfied, as this is how you build your reputation on Facebook, and determines how successful your app will be.

If you're going to create a Facebook app, you want to be thorough and make sure you've considered all the guidelines we've talked about above -then you have a good chance of making your app a real hit.

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