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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Factors You Should Consider When Job Hunting

By Shannon Winters

Malaysia is included in the emerging markets in Asia today. Like other developing countries, Malaysia invests on its education sector to produce graduates that can meet the current needs of different industries for specialized skills. With this scenario, it is expected that a Malaysia Employment Agency and other type of recruitment firms abound in this country. These firms help not only in recruiting workers for local industries but also for businesses in foreign countries like Singapore.

For non-Malaysians who are thinking of working in the country, they should find it necessary to get a working visa before looking for a recruitment agency that will help them with their application. Though the process for applying a work visa is already automated, it is also time-consuming. On the other hand, if you are already in Malaysia, you may leave the country by using a social visit pass and then re-enter from either Thailand or Singapore.

A few people, though, have their reservations in seeking the help of a recruitment agency. Having this doubt is actually good because not all agencies do things for the welfare of applicants. But on a positive note, recruitment firms are updated with the latest trends in the industry they are dealing with. Not to mention that they know the ins and outs of training and recruitment. You only need to look for a reliable agency to help you find a job quickly and safely.

If you have doubts in working with a recruitment firm, you can ask your friends or former co-workers about the reputation of the agency you are eyeing. You can also visit the Internet to find a reputable employment agency. The advantage of seeking the help of these firms is that they are always updated with the trends in various industries. An ideal recruitment firm can can actually serve as your "eyes and ears" in a particular industry.

Also, don't forget to bring a copy of your CV. The agency already has a copy of your CV but it is like an unspoken rule to always bring one when you are called for an interview. And lastly, have patience. When you are looking for a job, you'll go through several exams and interviews until you get hired. And it means you will need to wait a considerable amount of time until the results come out.

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