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Friday, October 12, 2012

Make Your Home Healthier With Pet Odor Carpet Cleaning

By Kelly Belli

Almost every home has some type of household pet. They are beloved animals that give unconditional love and most owners feel they are a part of the family. The only downside is they can sometimes have accidents that can leave the home smelling less than pleasant. When this occurs it is time to consider professional pet odor carpet cleaning.

Pets that are yet to be housebroken may do their business anywhere. Being young they tend to simply empty their bladder wherever they may be at the time. Usually pets will return to an area they have already used once. When they do this it can create a smelly nuisance because of all of the urine buildup. This situation creates the perfect bacterial breeding ground that can be a health concern.

Pets can also make the entire household their potty. Young pets that like to explore can urinate under sofas and other furniture without the knowledge of the owner. This can make smells that are hard to locate and eliminate. They also tend to urinate on furniture. Usually the offending areas can only be found by trained professionals using special lights to scan all of the potential urine spots.

Most carpets are installed with padding underneath. The padding is basically a spongy material that can soak up and even help disperse liquids into a larger area hidden underneath the carpets. Problems can arise when a homeowner attempts to remove urine and only gets partial results. In some cases the homeowner can make the situation worse by spreading the urine out further. This can create a health hazard for everyone in the home.

A professional service will use a multiple step method to ensure a proper cleaning is achieved. All areas will have to be located and cleaned. After a good cleansing, a germicide can be applied to eradicate any bacteria still lurking within the fibers and padding.

If you have pets that are difficult to train, they may even urinate in floor ducts. This can be a health hazard and needs to be addressed. The services of a duct cleaning company can eliminate the urine and bacteria buildup within the ducts.

You may never think much about the amount of urine that may be in your carpeting, but you should if you have pets. Even the most well trained animal may have an accident on occasion. It is important to use a professional for pet odor carpet cleaning if you begin to notice your home smelling of urine. It is the only way to be sure the problem is properly eliminated.

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