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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tactics To Maximize Your 4Life Income

By Eduardo Kooliantra

4Life distributors: Are you committed to creating a large business? If so, dig into this article now. If you wish to become a top earner, it's vital you get way beyond merely talking to colleagues, associates, family and friends about your business.. The single most important skill you could ever learn is marketing. I've been groomed by 6 and 7-figure income earners who taught me the following strategies we quietly use to build large businesses:

- Be An Attraction Marketer

Nearly all people promoting 4Life run out of leads. They end up chasing people and come across as a little desperate. The ideal solution to these issues is Attraction Marketing.

Attraction marketing entails creating and promoting content that educates network marketers how to improve their business results. You come across as a guide and leader in your niche when you put out content like this. This is a very effective way to sponsor people into 4Life.

A few principles govern Attraction Marketing:

- People are not looking to join a new business. Most people really want to find a leader who can show them the way.

- The Internet is full of people spamming about companies like 4Life. There are very few true leaders out there.

- People instinctively are drawn towards people that can help them solve their problems.

- People are sick and tired off getting approached by people who attempt nothing more than to close a sale.

- You are much more valuable in the marketplace when you focus on helping people improve their businesses.

- In order to receive, you must provide. The quality and extent of your valuable free content will influence the degree to which you are considered a leader.

If you are implementing attraction marketing well, people will start asking to join your 4Life downline. No more chasing!

- Build Multiple Streams Of Income

Make sure you have other income streams in addition to just your 4Life revenue. It's risky to rely exclusively on a single revenue source in your business. Your downline leaders could quit. Attrition might rise on your 4Life business. 4Life management could take the company in a direction you don't like.

Diversifying lowers risk and increases income. You must keep focus on not let adding new lines of income distract from your 4Life venture.

Select one or more of the following ways to add new revenue lines:

Promote affiliate products and services. Sign up as an affiliate to promote the services, courses, and system you use in your business. Promote the affiliate products you feel are best, not just the ones that pay the most. Generally you get paid commissions of twenty to sixty percent.

You can also transform your content into products. When you do webinars, record and sell them. Bundle your videos into an e-course. Make an ebook out of your written blog posts.

Third, you can provide one-on-one coaching to your students that are the most serious. Make sure to charge a high enough price for your time.

- Market Yourself First. Market Your Business Second.

People in companies like 4Life who try to market online mistakenly lead with their opportunity. They fail to understand people aren't looking for a business like 4Life to get started with. They might not be aware of it, but they are actually seeking something different: Somebody who can guide them and lead them to success.

Distinguish yourself by promoting the value YOU bring to the situation. Stop leading with your business! Understand practically every network marketer on the Internet is jumping up and down like a crazy person hyping up his opportunity. These people jump up and down about how great the comp plan is, how the company's in pre launch and it's a game-changing product. And these hypey marketers fail to realize virtually no one actually cares about these details.

Advertise yourself as the leader others should follow. Offer free training by means of video tutorials and articles or blog posts. Do webinars. Train. Some of your followers will decide you're the leader they want to join. Some will approach YOU to join your 4Life business.

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