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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Difference Between Lean And Agile Consultants

By John Riteorine

All industries present on earth know that the way to a prosperous company or organization is proper management. A number of management methods are available for companies and organizations in order to for them to improve. The two most well-known methods are agile and lean methodologies.

If you are thinking about using one or both of these methodologies, then you should hire agile consultants and lean consultants. You can actually find them in agile consultancy and lean consultancy firms.

To help you choose the best among the bunch, here are tips that you can use.

First tip especially if you're hiring a consultancy from where you'll get a consultant is to always be the one to have a final say on which consultant to have. It is common among consulting agencies to give you a consultant that they believe is perfect for you. What happens here is that you don't exactly end up with the perfect one. That is why you should be part of the selection process.

Speaking of which, it's about time to share on picking tips.

First and foremost, you should try asking for suggestions from friends or colleagues coming from other companies. These recommendations can help you have this shortlist of candidates. Plus, they are more reliable than any website or advertisement because their recommendations are based on first-hand experience.

Now you already have this list of consultants. The names on the list will be the persons you'll get to know more.

One way for you to do this is to research on them. You can do a background check, ask previous clients, and even the consulting firm about his or her performance, experience and work ethics. Last and perhaps the best way to help you decide is to personally interview them. Watch if the consultant knows how to handle himself or herself well and if he or she is really knowledgeable about the work. This shows in the way that he or she talks. Ask relevant questions pertinent to the work and some about his or her personality. At the end of the interview, do not be discouraged when you hear that the consultant you've been eyeing charges a little more than the others. The extra cost you pay wouldn't really matter if you get incomparable, amazing service.

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1 comment:

  1. Having awareness regarding what we can do and what are the ways for growing at something, agile certified scrum master is the one who actually knows how far they can grow at a thing and what can be the necessary outcome on it.
