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Friday, July 6, 2012

An Easy Way To Get The Right Realtor

By Alex Johnson

There are quite a few options and strategies when it comes to finding the right Realtor for you. You can use the good old fashioned phone book and yellow pages. You can use the internet and online reviews. You can also use the power of your social network and friendships. I will cover each of these options and how to optimize each.

When it comes to using the phone book and directories, you have to realize they have a low entry. Anyone can advertise and be in there, even if they're not very serious. Also, there is no ranking by quality or level. The person who's only doing real estate as a side hobby is listed right next to someone who's been doing it professionally for 20 years.

I would only recommend the phone book and directory option if you don't know anyone in town and there aren't enough internet reviews of the agents in that location. Your best bet is to just call up many people in one day, and see how you like them on the phone. Just ask how many years of experience they have, and most fast. Don't spend more than 5 minutes per person.

If you can use it, the internet is somewhat better. In big cities you will find online reviews of agents and how well they do. I would just tell you to watch out for fake reviews. Otherwise if there are enough reviews, this is almost as good as word of mouth.

But then, going with word of mouth is always the smartest thing that you can ever do. For example, let's say that several of your coworkers, one neighbor and an ex all recommend the same agent to you. Do you think this agent will be good? What do you think?! Of course they will! It is almost a fool-proof guarantee of quality.

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