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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Green Cleaning Supplies I Tried Have Been Completely Amazing

By Nathane M. Morehead

When I noticed an awful smell coming up from the basement, I was motivated to find a way to eliminate odors without using dangerous chemicals, which led me to look into green cleaning supplies. We had lived in the house for many years, and had never had any problems, but one day a pipe burst behind a wall. We fixed the pipe and repaired the wall, but not too long after, we noticed a terrible musty wet smell in the basement, which made it impossible for us to spend any time down there.

We sprayed some air fresheners and burned scented candles, but nothing seemed to do the trick. I was quite frustrated about it, and telling one of my coworkers about it, and surprisingly, she told me to try onions. I admit I looked at her doubtfully for a minute, but she swore that cutting an onion in half and putting the halves in the basement overnight would work.

I was feeling pretty desperate, so I determined to give it a try and I put the two onion halves in the basement overnight. The following morning as I hesitantly went down into the basement to investigate the results of my grand experiment, I sniffed the air and found to my surprise that it had worked, I was free of the smell!

I did a small happy jig, and then decided that since the onion had worked so well, that I decided to look into some other green cleaning supplies, as I knew that I would no doubt run into other cleaning predicaments in the future. I did some online research and found a delightful website that offered this same onion tip as well as a few other fantastic tips involving unassuming products like lemon juice or old coffee grounds. I also noticed on the website that they had tips for how to use baking soda, and I could barely believe some of these ideas!

These and other natural cleaning products soon became important staples of my home cleaning arsenal and I craved more and more uses of unusual products. The website I had found obliged me and soon enough I felt a good deal of the satisfaction that comes from doing one's part for the earth each and every time I cleaned something in my home. The basement odor never really came back, but on the few occasions that I thought I caught a whiff of something nasty, I was there, onion in hand, within just a few minutes!

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