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Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Secret Ingredient To Global Domains International Success

By Russell Howe

From the outside, Global Domains International looks like a very appealing home based business but it holds a dark secret. Today we reveal that secret to you and hopefully help you to reach success with whatever home business you are currently using, because GDI is not the only affiliate program this can be applied to.

The overwhelming number of affiliates fail to get anywhere. They're not even earning enough to cover their membership cost each month. We can also confirm:

* Thousands of members are getting no help from their own sponsor.

* Most members don't know how to get started with building an internet business and aren't being taught.

* Most members never hit a bonus and never will.

* No matter how much desire they have, most cannot make it onto the world leaderboard.

* Most affiliates never get the most from the product-driven side of the company.

While some people are able to make the most of this opportunity the vast majority get absolutely nowhere and the reasons above account for that.

View our video guide to Global Domains International.

Why is there such a difference in results between the few and the many? One of the top reasons is mentality. A lot of people are sucked in by the bogus claims of 'leaders' who promise to do all of the work for them, leading them to join up to a program without actually putting any work into it. If you do that any business will fail.

If you are easily led by big claims of easy results you will notice you are constantly being misled. That's not to say it's your own fault (misleading marketers are to blame) but if you are intending to become your own boss you need to have your wits about you and your head screwed on. Stay away from those offering you statements like:

* Our system will automatically build your business with minimal effort from you.

* If you become a member of our team we'll do all of your work.

* Join our team and we guarantee to put 4-5 signups under you within 4 weeks.

Like every home business, this is the type of competitive nature promoted between affiliates. Teams competing to try to get new referrals by promising literally everything until they actually have to promise to do the entire work for somebody because there is nowhere else left to go. Business doesn't work like that and it's no wonder that the people who make up those claims are the ones who are not actually getting anywhere themselves, either.

Nobody can build your business and do all of the work for you. If it seems like it's too good to be true, it definitely is. But those poor leaders out there will be hoping that the 'what if..' factor takes it's grip on you and fools you into taking a shot to see if you get lucky. That's how they hope to make a living. It's a poor decision and it'll hold you back until you change your mentality.

Deep down, of course, we all know we cannot make a lot of money online by simply joining somebody in a particular business and then sitting back. We know it's nonsense. But we fall for it because of the situation we are in at the time.

The thing most Global Domains International affiliates need is simply a reality check. Deep down they know the things promised to them were nonsense but they fell for them out of desperation to change their financial lives. That doesn't mean they can't do it. Many have done it before. Sometimes all you need is that little shake to wake you up.

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