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Monday, November 26, 2012

Confronting Snoring and Subsequent Sleep Loss

By Chet Sandeksi

From childhood, the phenomenon of people snoring while asleep has been engrained into us as something of humorous, bordering comical occurrence. Think about it, in the cartoons kids watch growing up the characters that are shown passed out sawing logs are shown for that one reason, to be humorous.

If there is something wrong with your mouth or jaw or teeth, it can lead to agonizing pain and discomfort, and may have a real impact on your ability to sleep. There are several possible issues which might come up, which will be discussed below.

One of the biggest causes of headaches for those who are having dental issues is TMD. TMD refers to joint dysfunction wherein the jaw might click or strain or pull on tendons within.

When TMD occurs, it naturally strains the muscles and joints of the jaw, tightening them up, exhausting them, and making the individual feel severe side effects. Many people do not realize that they have TMD until it is officially diagnosed by a professional.

Another issue which might affect people is lockjaw, occurring when people grit their teeth too much during the night. Lockjaw can be incredibly painful, and may even require medical intervention in order to be able to open the person mouth in question.

A few of the complications that can arise from snoring and sleep apnea are morning headaches, fatigue, difficulty concentrating on tasks which can lead to a decrease in performance at work or schooling and the increased stress from a lack of a good night's sleep has been shown to cause high blood pressure in individuals who continue untreated. With these potential side effects the once comical act of snoring is brought into perspective and the need for excessive snorers to be correctly diagnosed by medical professionals becomes immediate.

It can be an intimidating prospect to go through these processes, so just remember that it is necessary to do. Finding relief can be a truly life changing experience for individuals who are having severe headaches on a regular basis. Such pain can be crippling and restrict people to the small amount of time that they are feeling decent to get the important things in life done. As such, any relief which can be found is going to be quite appreciated in every way.

The most common and one of the most effective treatments for the average snorer as well as those who suffer moderate sleep apnea brought on by mechanical issues within the mouth, nose, throat and jaw is a customized and fitted dental appliance. Like a mouth guard, these removable appliances are inserted into the patients' mouth while sleeping to readjust the subjects' tongue, lower jaw bone and soft palate to optimal positions allowing for air to flow freely through once restricted areas

Therefore, going in to a sleep dentist is a pragmatic and intelligent choice to make. The quality of life that you experience should be markedly improved, and your overall contentment based on sleep and rest should also be improved as a direct result of the procedures which are being performed. Those suffering from sleep issues in Oklahoma should see a sleep dentist. It can make all of the difference in the world!

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