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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ways To Grow Your Usana Earnings

By Eduardo Kooliantra

Usana business owners: It's time to learn what it REALLY takes to become a top income earner. Are you committed to making it to the top of your comp. plan?

If you seek to become a top earner, the way to do it is to implement a promotional plan that puts your message in front of thousands of people - not merely a handful of friends, family members and people you know.

You MUST learn to market!

Here are 3 strategies 7-figure income earners use to build network marketing empires today:

- Lead Others

To build a successful Usana business, you must be a leader. Leadership is something you learn in two ways:

- Mimic the actions, beliefs and habitual thoughts of leaders. This is learning through modelling. You've got to find leaders you can relate to and build the business like they do.

- Learn through doing. Adopt leadership roles and follow through. Books and webinars are nice, but nothing replaces raw experience.

Strengthen your mindset Being a leader begins inside of you. Create an internal state where nothing will stop you from achieving success.

A lot of the people you sponsor will end up quitting. Do not get attached and never get affected by what these people do. Set an example.

People are going to look at your actions and results, not just listen to your words. Execute each day on the tasks required to succeed. Words are easy. You must act. Instruct others how to be successful. Do not do things for other people, instead show them what to do.

Describe to your Usana team what you do every day to create results. Do conference calls. Assist the people in your Usana team who are getting results.

- Develop A Relationship With Your Prospects

Warm the Usana leads you generate online. The leads you attract online will only buy from you if they feel like they know you, they like you and you have gained their trust. The easiest way to gain the loyalty of your audience is to teach skills they can use to grow a Usana or other business.

Publish blog articles, create video clips, or send emails to your leads that teach network marketing skills. Delivering valuable instructional content warms your relationship with your prospects. Using videos is one of the absolute best ways to warm the relationship with your audience. A video transmits your face, your words and your voice, and this helps people get familiar with you.

Calling your prospects might be the most powerful way to warm the relationship with them. Find out what your prospects are looking for. Send a broadcast email to your prospects list at least once a day. Just being in contact frequently develops surprising levels of familiarity.

Warm your list will set you apart from needy network marketers. Warming your prospects is going to result in more affiliate sales, more Usana signups and overall more income.

- Market With A Pre-Built Funnel System

Getting on Facebook and Twitter and proclaiming how great Usana is will NOT generate income. Strangers on the Internet could care less about your business. Nothing's going to happen until your prospect feels they know, like and trust you.

Implement a marketing funnel to build your Usana business online. A marketing funnel leads the prospect one step at a time from first contact to sale.

The most suitable prospects are people in other network marketing opportunities desperately trying to grow their businesses. A sales funnel requires:

1) Marketing: Articles, videos, Facebook ads or other content that compels people to visit your website. The content on your website should be instructional and teach how to grow a network marketing business. This content positions you as an authority.

2) Lead Capture Form: A part of your website that offers bonus instructional content in exchange for prospects' name and contact information.

3) Email Campaign: Emails automatically sent to leads with tips on how to grow a network marketing business. It's important to promote affiliate products in some of your emails. Instructional courses and systems for network marketers usually pay 30%-70% commissions.

4) Relationship-Building: Phone consultations, in-person meetings, and live events are important ways to cultivate trust.

5) Promoting Usana: Once you've built rapport and screened whether the prospect is a potential fit, you can direct prospects to a presentation for Usana. You should definitely use a ready-made funnel with the websites, emails and other content you require already set up for you.

unnel with the presentations, emails and websites already created for you.

About the Author:

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