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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ways To Turn Ordinary Artists Into Practitioners Of Pop Art

By Jacob Jines

It is possible for ordinary artists to become full-fledged practitioners of pop art, and there are three ways to go about it. In this context, the 'ordinary' painters we are making reference to are, for instance, those who start out in the conventional abstract expressionism movement, before being drawn to popular art. We are referring to that conversion, from the conventional art (which is usually somewhat elitist) to the popular art as an 'evolution' because, firstly, it tends to take place slowly. It can also be classified as evolution because, at the end of this slow transformation of the art form, the artists deemed themselves to have improved greatly as artists. You should also realize that ordinary painters cannot just become popular art practitioners instantly, or whenever they want to. Most of them continue their work with conventional art while creating popular art works on the side.

Of course, in due time, it will become noticeable how they will be creating more and more popular art works, and less and less of the conventional art. There will come a time when popular art will be the only thing they will be working on. At that time, they are officially pop artists. Let us try to define the various triggers to this evolution from conventional art to popular art.

One sure way that would pave the path of ordinary painters towards becoming pop art practitioners is to expose themselves to various products or art works that are defined by popular art. Generally, ordinary painters like what they see when they manage to get close, or be exposed, to products of popular art. They are subsequently compelled to figure out ways of coming up with similar artist products. This convinces them to try learning or studying the various practices in popular art. The point when they become pop art practitioners is when they fully stop creating conventional art. Instead, they will only be doing popular art and none of those conventional art works.

The evolution of ordinary painters into pop art practitioners could also be facilitated by studying the various pop art literature that are now made available by the pioneers of this art movement. It is a sad fact that many of these literature are not really sought out initially by aspiring pop art practitioners. More often than not, they only happened to stumble on these literature. If you need to gain more understanding about popular art, devouring all the related literature will go a very long way in providing all the information you need. Some of the artists in question are persuaded by the literature in question, leading to their evolution from being conventional art practitioners to popular art practitioners.

The third way in which ordinary painters typically evolve into pop art practitioners is through interactions with members of this particular art movement. Often, the practitioners of popular art tend to be rather different from other artists. They seem to have more zest for their art. It also appears as though they earn more from the practice of their art. They derive more meaning from the art that they create. The more exposure they get to other pop art practitioners, the more attracted they will be to the prospect of becoming one of them. They subsequently evolve from being conventional art practitioners, into being popular art practitioners.

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