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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ecosway: How To Make Money In Ecosway

By Eduardo Kooliantra

Ecosway success seekers: Want to dominate and build a HUGE business?

If you seek to become a top earner, you must go well beyond your circle of friends and family.

It's imperative you master the basics of marketing- like any real business

Here are 3 ways top earners dominate today:

- Use Social Media Marketing

Websites that are social are those that allow users to comment or otherwise reply about content they consume. More than a billion people use Twitter, Youtube or Facebook on a regular basis. That's a lot of potential traffic to your websites.

Today, more than 75% of social media users are over 25. It's vital you have a plan to use social media to build your Ecosway business. Otherwise you will be left behind.

Generally distributors in companies such as Ecosway use social media in ways that are bad for business. These reps spam the social media sites with content about their opportunity. Here are several ways to skillfully use social media to market your Ecosway business:

- Think of social media sites like a cocktail party. When you are introduced to someone at a party, do you quickly start telling them all about your Ecosway opportunity? No. You shouldn't do that on social media sites. On social media sites, never lead with your Ecosway business.

- Your first priority on social media sites is to connect with people. You must develop a relationship.

- Keep your content on social media sites very educational.

- Under no circumstances is it OK to spam about your opportunity on someone's Facebook wall. On Youtube, post only instructional videos, not highly promotional videos about your opportunity.

- Effective social media marketing means leading with valuable training. Insights that help network marketers. Educational videos with valuable teaching lessons.

- If you're consistent, some of your followers will contact YOU about your business.

- Educate Others

You've got to do things differently to build a Ecosway on the internet. It's not the same as building a Ecosway venture offline. Offline, you can approach friends and family who already know you. Most of these people will listen to you because you have a pre-existing relationship.

You are a virtual unknown on the Internet. When you approach people about your business on the Internet, they're usually going to consider it spam and just tune you out.

You've got to establish credibility and make it clear:

- You are a real and likeable person

- You can help the person with their business

- The talents and skills you possess are things you can teach

Online, there's a very clear path from initial exposure to signing up for Ecosway or another opportunity.

- The person sees a video, blog post, Facebook post or email that teaches them something useful to their business

- They read more articles and watch other videos by the content producer.

- They see the person as an expert

- The person makes a business decision to align with the content publisher and join their business

Plastering Facebook and other places on the internet with silly hype about how terrific your network marketing company is will NOT work. Publishing content that teaches network marketers how to grow a successful business is the only proven way to build on the Internet.

Do NOT lead with your Ecosway opportunity online. Create blog posts, videos and other content that instructs network marketers how to grow their businesses. Position yourself as an advisor or trainer.

- Get More Committed

Not committing enough is a major problem I see among network marketers in companies such as Ecosway. You're going to need to get a whole lot more committed if you are going to succeed in Ecosway.

Under commitment usually takes two forms:

- Investing too little time into the business

- Money: Under-investing in products, tools and training

With regard to time, it's naive to think four to ten hours per week is enough to build a major business. Most network marketers seem to think just spending a few hours a week calling friends and family to enroll is going to generate a large Ecosway business.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Do you plan to make thousands of dollars every month? You should expect to spend 15 to 30 hours every week. You should plan to eventually devote that amount of time, if you cannot do it from the start.

Virtually all network marketers try to start a business by investing almost no money. These people actually think they don't need to invest into a marketing budget. Most of these people want to invest very little money on training.

These are crazy sorts of beliefs. Expect to commit thousands of dollars to your education in the form of workshops and courses over time. This is a vocation, not a child's game. Increasing your level of commitment is vital if you plan to build a lucrative Ecosway or other business.

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