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Saturday, June 2, 2012

How You Can Use Twitter to do Better Customer Service for Your Business

By Patsy Powell

It's a known fact that Twitter is used by various companies for providing customer support. You can't overlook the importance of customer service if you're doing business online. In the digital age, it's especially critical to provide fast and efficient customer service. Twitter is one of the modern tools that can be used for providing better customer service. How would you make use of Twitter to improve your business's customer service? In simple words, it means that the entire issue or question of your customer has been taken care of via this micro-blogging channel. So let's take a look at what's involved if you want to use Twitter to serve your customers more effectively.

If you want people to know that you offer customer service through Twitter, then show them. Make sure your presence is there regularly. Don't just sign in to Twitter every now and then, be active. Your customers expect you to be available to them 24/7. If you can, get someone to monitor your Twitter account on a continuous basis. It's important to view the money you spend maintaining your Twitter customer service line as an investment.

Your customer service should feel personal. Your approach shouldn't sound robotic. You want your customers to know that you really are looking out for them. Go out of your way to offer them the very best customer service through Twitter that you can. When your customers feel like you are doing a good job, they are going to get back to you via Twitter over and over again. Your primary goal in this situation is to make the most of Twitter in terms of the customer service that you are offering. Your customers will have a positive response when you give special deference to each query you get and respond to each one personally.

Lastly, make sure you respond instantly/personally to any customer complaints that you receive. People are happy when they are taken care of at once. In order to achieve contentedness among your customers, you should utilize Twitter. If you answer questions that customers have without any delay, they will think highly of you. Aside from assisting you in resolving concerns more quickly, it will make you more reliable. So, be quick in your responses to your customers, so they are not sitting around wondering. They are sending you a query by way of Twitter, on account that they need direct attention from you.

If you have ever used Twitter before, you already know how valuable it can be for both you and your customers. The nicest thing is that you don't have to use it like regular customer service. Look at Twitter as a way for you to keep in touch with your customers more easily. It works well as a micro-blogging platform but, in reality, it is a lot more than that. So if you aren't already using Twitter for your customer service, it's time to start doing that. Try to plan out these types of ideas so that you can see the results for yourself.

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