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Saturday, June 16, 2012

How to Design a Successful Mobile Website

By Genevieve Morrison

Designing an effective mobile website is becoming integral for online businesses these days; people are making use of their smart phones to access the Internet and do all sorts of things. You really can't afford to overlook this rapidly growing industry, as many of your competitors are building mobile sites. Once you decide to build a mobile website, the next thing you have to figure out is how to make it appealing to your prospects. So let's look at some ways to make your mobile site as effective as possible.

Creating A Mobile Version Of Your Landing Page: A good way to begin targeting mobile phones is using the Google AdWords network and their content network which can specifically target mobile phones; this is just one of several advertising networks that target the mobile industry. However, since you'll actually be paying for clicks here, you should ensure that you're sending the traffic to the mobile version of your landing page, and not the desktop version. The outward appearance of these pages will look identical, but they cannot be viewed with the same device because they are different. Your conversion rate, in other words, will plummet because the desktop version will not look very good on the mobile phone. The landing page for mobile phones that you create should be designed with a minimal straightforward appearance.

Provide a Link to a Larger Site: If you have a primary website or blog, put a link to it on your mobile site; not everyone will be satisfied with the amount of info they can find on the mobile site, so tell them where they can get more. You can use your mobile site as a gateway to your main site; they can either access this from their phones, or visit it later when on their regular computer. It certainly won't hurt you to link your mobile site to your main one, and by doing this you'll be making both of them more effective and user friendly.

Autosensing SetUp: It makes no sense whatsoever to split your branding efforts for promotions and advertising with two different web addresses. What you must do is set up auto-redirection and auto-sensing on the main URL for mobile browsers. By limiting it to one domain name, you can directly advertise the main URL eliminating any possible confusion for visitors.

You should be prepared now! Just remember these suggestions when you put together your mobile website, and you'll do fine. Always keep your target audience in mind and make sure your site is geared towards mobile phone users.

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