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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How To Profit With Primerica

By Eduardo Kooliantra

Primerica distributors: Do you want to know what it takes to become a top income earner? If you seek to become a top earner, you must go well beyond your circle of friends and family. The single most important skill you could ever learn is marketing. Here are 3 strategies 7-figure income earners use to build network marketing empires today:

- Invest Your Time Skillfully

Your time is the most critical resource you have as a Primerica business owner. As an employee, you get a paycheck even if you have an unproductive week.

Entrepreneurs earn income to the degree they productively invest time, energy and resources to create results. To succeed in Primerica or any business, you must manage your time well.

Plan your daily schedule in advance. Define when your Primerica business activities are going to get done. You've got to know what to do when you start working so you don't waste time just planning.

Prioritize the activities that bring in revenue. These include marketing, speaking with prospects and closing. Limit diversions. While you are working, never attend to emails or phone calls.

Do the most important things first. These are the tasks that create the most income for your Primerica venture. Define your hourly rate. Take your ideal monthly income and divide it by the number of hours you expect to work each month. This is the rate per hour you expect to earn as a business owner.

Your time might be worth $150 per hour. Can someone do your grocery shopping and other chores for less than this hourly rate? If you can hire someone to do these tasks for less than your time is worth, you should do so. Outsource low level tasks.

- Associate With Other Business Owners

Creating a Primerica venture is not at all like having a job. Rather than depending hopelessly on a job to make you rich, you're building a long term enterprise.

After a while, almost no one is going to understand what the heck you're doing. And then you'll start hearing all sorts of ridiculous comments:

- Why don't you focus on a job like everyone else?

- If that business is so great, how come you're not making any money?

- I tried one of those things before. They never work!

Avoid the poison these type of people put into your head. Do not allow your mentality to be influenced by these ignorant comments. Do not discuss your business with these types of people. You'll gain friendships and have more fun.

Put yourself into places where you'll meet other network marketers. Attend regional and national training events for Primerica reps. Go and meet a few of the highest earners in Primericaor other opportunities. These are often charismatic and dynamic people you want to be around.

Use Facebook to connect with networkers. Don't even mention Primerica to them, unless they ask what you promote. Just be casual and chat with them about business. Take the average income of the 5 or 6 people you hang out with the most. That's what your income will look like. Be very mindful whom you spend your time with.

- Be At The Live Events

One of the most important activities to build your Primerica business is to go to live events. Live events are those sponsored by Primerica or others that bring network marketers and others together.

There are three advantages attending live events provides:

- Learning: Top producers and trainers will teach you new skills and concepts at live events. Your recruiting, closing and business building skills will get better.

- Network With Others: You'll meet people in Primerica or other companies who share your passion, hopes and aspirations. You'll make friendships, some of which will last for years. You'll also meet people with whom you partner on business deals or joint ventures.

- Mindset Development: Live events will help you fashion the mentality of a top producer. Your mindset is your most critical asset as a business owner. You'll get inspired by people who are similar to you but who are thriving in their Primerica business. You're going to come back with a much greater belief in your ability to be successful.

Live events are where industry leaders are born. New marketers think attending live events is optional. These are the people who say I can't afford to go or I can't spare the time. Not surprisingly, these are the same people who never seem to make money.

Top producers are those that attended live events even when they barely had the money. Attending live events are absolutely vital if you want to be successful in your business. Do you want to become a top earner? Or someone who never earns any money in their business?

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