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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Warm Marketing - Even Granny Thinks You are a Retard

By Karyn Weger

Warm marketing sucks! For you, for your prospect. Just stop already!

It is the worst. You join an internet marketing company, and the first thing you're told to do is to jot down a list of everybody you have ever met since birth, including the mailman, otherwise known as your warm market. They give you a memory jogger form that is meant to make sure you don't forget any person.

Then you are meant to contact all of these folk and tell them you're a moron. Naturally, that's not exactly how it's presented, but that is what your prospect thinks when you call. You're basically meant to reconnect with that old university buddy you haven't heard from in 20 years, and then pitch them. You can hit up the pizza delivery guy or the store clerk, or your 2nd grade teacher.

You may also have what's called your chicken list. This is the list of people that you are afraid to call, expecting the ultimate in embarrassment. They're the biggest fish though, so you have to go for it.

Your upline and the guru's will tell you to just get over it. After all , you're doing them a favor. You're just inviting them and asking them to be open minded.

But unless your prospect has been living in isolation since birth, they already know what network marketing is, and they think you are a fool. Sorry... It's true.

Yes, even your grandma thinks you are a retard. That is the essence of warm marketing. Humiliating yourself.

No more warm marketing.

Like you, I did it. I paid my dues. I even signed a number of them up. Quite a few, actually.

But I'll never do it again.

Why? It just sucks. It's not fun. Does it work? Maybe occasionally. Nevertheless it sucks!

Now, it doesn't mean I would not talk of my business with people that I know are interested already. It does not mean that you should be ashamed of what you're doing. Internet promotion, done right , is grand. Done right.

Why warm marketing is a ghastly plan

Ok. So forget embarrassment for a minute. Let's make the assumption you are immune to it. Fine.

Let's take a look at the results. Let's imagine you get some relatives, pals or friends to enroll. Did you qualify them first? Did you stop to think about their aptitude for network marketing? Or their attitude? Or their motivation level?

From a hiring viewpoint, warm marketing has the benefit of pressure. That's the reason why you are instructed to do it. You can sign up your gramps because she simply does not want to tell you no. So you almost certainly enrolled people who've no real intentions of actually doing anything. They're just biding their time till they can gracefully bow out, without wounding your feelings.

So in the final analysis, you'll have spent a lot of time on a useless venture.

Now, before you get all upset, yes... warm marketing works sometimes for a few folk. So does putting sticky notes on gas station pumps. For a few folks. So does hitting up strangers in the produce section. For one or two folk.

But if these secrets, truly worked, why do 99% of social marketers fail badly? Those few successes in network marketing just aren't duplicatable.

The warm marketing alternative

So what's the exact opposite of warm marketing? Cold promoting? No. Cold promoting, or cold calling, is similarly a waste of your time.

The solution lies in target selling. Any halfway decent selling professional knows that you must target your market.

It just makes sense. If you happen to have a wealth creating opportunity, find folks who are looking for that. Straightforward, right?

The web now makes it simple.

It used to be tougher to target your market. It once was that the only way was through costly TV, radio or newspaper advertisements. But not any more.

The web has put the final nail in the warm marketing coffin. Target your market to find people that are already open to what you are offering because they require your solution. Only show your opportunity to people who come up to you for help. Do not squander your time, or your pride, any more.

Click now to find out how to build a successful internet promotion business without warm marketing.

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