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Friday, June 8, 2012

effective research for the content on your website

By Dave Estes

If you're writing to make your site rank better in the search engines, it's essential that the content you publish is unique and valuable. It's fairly easy to create original content if you're writing about a topic you're very familiar with. In some cases, however, you may be compelled to write about a topic that you're unfamiliar with. You'll have to research the topic then. While it's not difficult today to do basic research online, you'll have to consult several quality sources in order to come up material that's unique and informative.

A good place for you to research is YouTube and any other media sharing sites as they have plenty of useful data available. There are videos on every imaginable topic and you can use the content in the videos to enhance your own knowledge about that particular subject. For example, let's say you want to create content on "weight training" but you don't really know much about it, all you have to do is have a look on YouTube for videos covering this topic and write down some important points to find. You need to make sure that your content is original, so even if these key points will be useful when you're writing, you still need to add a few personal touches.

You can now find blogs that cover every possible niche, which makes these potentially valuable for research. Most of the top blogs on the Internet are updated on a regular basis with new information that is fresh and current. Find good blogs in your niche and subscribe to their RSS feeds so you know when they're updated. Then, whenever you have content to write, you'll have the relevant information in a place where you can easily find it. No matter what niche you're in, you'll most likely be able to find at least dozens of blogs that have useful information related to it.

Lastly, try mixing your online research with a bit of offline research, so that you can get the best of the both worlds. In other words, when you're researching a topic online, you can also go a step ahead and learn more about it by reading books, newspapers and articles in magazines. While your competitors will probably be only doing online research, you can make your content different by having more information to make use of. Not everything is on the internet, and if you search in libraries or old bookstores you can easily find information that most people have never heard of. Your overall aim should be to diversify your efforts so that your research doesn't lack anywhere.

No matter what kind of content you have to write, doing the right kind of research is the essential first stage. If you want to offer quality content to your audience, you can't ignore the research, as this is what gives your material credibility.

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